Unmanned Militant Group attack Pakistan Military Post Near Afghan Border

Pakistan Military Attack: Amidst the Afghan-Pakistan border conflict, a series of attacks took place at the Pakistan military border through a vehicle laden with explosives as well as suicide bombs, killing seven security force members, sourced by Pakistan military media sources. As per the news, this incident took place in northwest Pakistan and the accused were 6 in number.

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The military’s media wing said in a statement “The terrorists rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into the post, followed by multiple suicide bombing attacks, which led to the collapse of a portion of a building, resulting in Shahadat (martyrdom) of five,” the statement said, adding that another two security force members were killed in later fighting with the militants. As per the news, the responsibility for the conflict was taken by the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) which was launched from Afghan soil. As per the political analysis, this conflict further endangered the relationship between Pakistan and the ruling Afghan Taliban.

Pakistan Milltary Attack Video

Who attacked the Pakistan military post recently?

Pakistani Taliban (TTP) attacked the Pakistan military post recently

Ashutosh Raj

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